Agri-food sector
“Control your quality in real time”
Loop Dee Science offers nomadic analysis solutions that allow food industry professionals to monitor production and processing lines as closely as possible.
With the help of Loop Dee Science’s rapid detection solutions, food producers, processors and retailers can control the quality and safety of their products in real time, in complete autonomy.


Better control of processes
This tool allows autonomous controls to be carried out at any time on multiple matrixes. The control of manufacturing and transformation lines and processes is thus greatly improved.

Higher level of confidence
The technology used by Loop Dee Science is more sensitive than traditional field methods and offers a level of performance similar to reference methods, thus providing a higher level of confidence than conventional rapid tests.

Reduction of non-quality costs
Thanks to the fast result times, anomalies are detected more quickly, which considerably reduces operating losses.

A wide range of applications
The device is universal, i.e. it will be possible to measure the presence of pathogens, genetically modified organisms, allergens or even unwanted species with the same devices.